临床资料:患者,男,33岁。于2001年5月22日因“四肢末梢麻木、疼痛10d加重伴晕厥、气促、腹胀、恶心、呕吐、排尿困难2d”就诊。患者于入院前6d左右连续服用了被人加入毒物的胃药后(破案后查明),无明显诱因,出现四肢末梢麻木、口唇及舌尖麻刺感,足底、足跟剧烈疼痛。在门诊对症治疗,症状无缓解,呈逐渐加重趋势。生化检查:ALT 108u/L,AST 73u/L,GGT 79u/L,LDH 253u/L,LDH 253u/L,CK 850u/L,CK-MB 18u/L,CREA 180μmol╱L。患者既往有胃病史,经常自服中药调理。人院查体:T 37℃,HR 102次/min,R 28次/min,BP 160/120mm Hg。神志尚清,精神差,表清淡漠,语言不清,计算力和定向力障碍。面色潮红,前额及眼眶周围皮肤滤泡样疹,鼻翼扇动,口唇发绀,口唇干裂脱皮,口腔黏膜广泛溃烂。双手及双足背皮肤呈斑片状潮红,压之不褪色。四肢皮肢末梢感觉及痛觉障碍。双下肢肌力Ⅲ级,生理反射存在,病理
Clinical data: Patient, male, 33 years old. On May 22, 2001 because of “limbs numbness, increased pain 10d with syncope, shortness of breath, bloating, nausea, vomiting, dysuria 2d ” treatment. 6d before admission to patients taking the poison was taken continuously after the stomach medicine (detection of the case after detection), no obvious incentive to appear limbs numbness, lips and tongue tingling, foot, heel severe pain. Symptomatic treatment in the clinic, no relief of symptoms, showing a gradual increase in the trend. Biochemical examination: ALT 108u / L, AST 73u / L, GGT 79u / L, LDH 253u / L, LDH 253u / L, CK 850u / L, CK-MB 18u / L, CREA 180μmol ╱ L. Past history of patients with stomach, often self-serving traditional Chinese medicine conditioning. Hospital examination: T 37 ℃, HR 102 beats / min, R 28 beats / min, BP 160 / 120mm Hg. Consciousness is still clear, the spirit is poor, the table indifferent, language is not clear, calculation of force and disorientation. Facial flushing, the skin around the forehead and orbital follicular-like rash, nose flap, lips cyanosis, chapped lips peeling, oral ulcers extensive ulceration. Hands and feet are patchy patchy skin flush, the pressure of fade. Limbs and limbs peripheral sensory and pain disorders. Ⅲ lower limb muscle strength, physiological reflection exists, pathology