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如何“用好人”成了知识经济时代企业的头等大事。这就涉及如何用工、如何培训、如何定工资等一系列问题。人力资源工作的做法可归结为用工制度、培训制度、工作规范以及各种激励的选择。选好企业用工制度(1)用工制度在于选择并留住人才。美国《财富》杂志的一项调查说:推断 How to “make good use of people” has become the top priority for the enterprises in the era of knowledge economy. This involves how to work, how to train, how to set wages and a series of questions. Human resources practices can be attributed to the employment system, training system, work practices and a variety of incentives to choose. Selected enterprise employment system (1) employment system lies in the selection and retention of talent. A survey by Fortune magazine in the United States said: Inferring