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  于4月20日,由美国教育基金会与美国广播教育协会联合主办的美国广播电视展招聘会(NAB Show Career Fair)将在拉斯维加斯举办。1,000多名知名广播与媒体公司的专业人士参会。本次会议的亮点是简历筛选以及相关专题论坛,包括如何提升岗位搜索的效率以及如何进行个人自我技能营销等。主办机构将4月16-21日在拉斯维加斯举办全球最大的美国广播电视展(NAB Show)。无论是否参加电视展,公众都可免费参加招聘会。
  2月,范堡罗国际展览有限公司商务总监 Amanda Stainer由于带领团队成功地协助了于1月21-23日举行的第四届巴林国际航空展的举办,受到巴林国王的嘉奖。她表示,受到该项嘉奖是极大的荣誉。她说,“我们所做的每一件事情都是整个团队努力的成果。”
   Tap into China-Korea FTA opportunities
  On February 25-26, more than 1,100 Korean and Chinese companies attended Korea-China FTA Business Plaza in Coex Convention & Exhibition Center, including well-know Chinese enterprises such as Haier, JD.com, and Suning Appliance.
  The exhibition was organized by Korea Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA), Small and Medium Business Corporation, Korea Federal of Small and Medium Business, and Korea International Trade Association. The aim was to assist Korean companies in seeking business opportunities in China. The exhibition had four pavilions, focusing separately on consumer goods, materials and components, economic diplomacy, and business investment.
   Looking for talents
  The NAB Education Foundation (NABEF) will host the NAB Show Career Fair at the Westgate Las Vegas Resort and Casino on April 20, 2016. The annual event will connect more than 1,000 entry and executive-level industry professionals with top broadcast and media companies. Co-produced with the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), the event features resume review and exclusive seminars on topics such as optimising the job search process and marketing of professional skills. Registration is available to NAB Show attendees and non-attendees and is completely free.
   Farnborough awarded for Bahrain International Airshow Production
  Farnborough International Ltd’s (FIL) commercial director Amanda Stainer has been awarded by the King of Bahrain for her team’s work to deliver the fourth edition of the Bahrain International Airshow (BIA).
  FIL provided consultancy to the Kingdom and oversaw the sales, marketing, aircraft participation and operations of the bi-annual aerospace event, which attracted over 30,000 trade visitors and 135 international companies.
Please introduce the history of UFI office in Hong Kong and How is the changes of UFI memberships in Asia in terms of numbers and category structure in last few years.  Mark: UFI Hong Kong office was
Opened by former president, Nelson Mandela in 1997, the Durban ICC was South Africa’s first International Convention Centre and has played a pioneering role in attracting international events to our s
3月29-31日,由奥伟展览联盟举办的越南矿业展览会在河内国际展览中心举行。作为双年展,越南矿业展览会上一届展会于2014年举行,共有来自30多个国家和地区的169家企业参展。该展会的展示内容包括矿业挖掘与建筑技术、设备与服务解决方案等,被业界认为是中印半岛最有影响力的矿业类展会。  第三届中国-俄罗斯博览会拟在俄举办  2月15日,黑龙江会展事务局对外公布,第三届中俄博览会拟于今年7月11-15
最近公布的2016年年初出口数字显示,中国企业出口贸易体量继续下滑,全球经济复苏的脚步依然缓慢。笔者在跟国外主办方、国内出展企业的交流中也了解到,外需不振,出展企业的参展热情有所下降,行业内似乎并无喜人的消息。然而,经济不景气,出口乏力,并不意味着出展行业的发展必定要陷入低谷。相反,这给了出展企业更多机会来紧跟企业需求,广泛挖掘全球各地的优质展览会,服务企业出口。  我们看到,市场环境的萧条促使展
德班会议中心于1997年由南非前总统曼德拉揭幕,是南非第一座国际化的会议中心,并在吸引国际会议方面起到先锋作用。会议中心以其高标准的服务质量承办了数个高端国际会议。包括:第123届国际奥委会会议、第5届金砖国家峰会、联合国COP17气候变化大会等。  会议中心还获得高度的行业认可,在15年里超过14次被世界旅游大奖评委会评为非洲优秀会议中心,并被国际会议中心协会(AIPC)评为全球十五佳会议中心。
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC) understands connections are what make an event memorable. It’s about having the right spaces for people to connect. Leading technology to drive creati
Chinese products shone at Light Fair Poland  On 29 January, the 24th Light Fair Poland was closed in Warsaw, Poland. As the biggest of its own kind in Poland and in the Middle and East Europe, the fai
2月份,巴黎凡尔赛门展览中心宣布,将在展馆内新建一栋酒店大楼,预计2019年开工。该酒店大楼预计将包含200个房间,一楼将有485平米的可容纳350人的餐厅,以及500平米的私人会议区,最高层售卖小食,并可俯瞰巴黎全景。   HSP集团携手当地政府进军阿富汗会展市场  近日,原位于伊朗德黑兰的HSP国际展览集团与阿富汗贸易与工业部(简称“阿富汗贸工部”)签订协议。根据协议,HSP集团将在未来五年作
2月9-10日,专门服务于英国酒吧行业的PUB16酒吧展在伦敦奥林匹亚展览中心举办。本次展会为第二届,访客数量较上届上升11%,达3,459名。展会大约有162名展商,包括一体化音乐系统服务商,软饮料供应商,高端酒吧小吃供应商与收银系统供应商等,全方位展示了英国酒吧行业的发展状况。  印度尼西亚会展中心成为UFI钻石级赞助商  2月9日,印度尼西亚会展中心(ICE)与国际展览业协会(UFI)签署协