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《说苑》与《孔子家语》关系紧密,其互见文献共有103章,这些互见文献的特点是:文字或文字基础部分相同;叙述方式存在差异性。根据互见文献特点,并结合定县八角廊汉简《儒家者言》、阜阳双古堆一号木牍等出土文献,可以推论,《说苑》中孔氏文献引自古本《孔子家语》,今本《孔子家语》文献并非引自《说苑》,而是来自古本《孔子家语》,是魏晋孔氏家学的产物。 There are a total of 103 chapters in each of these interviews, which are characterized by the same basic parts of words or scripts, and different ways of narration. According to the characteristics of each other’s literature, combined with the unearthed documents such as Han Confucianism in Dingxian Lang in Dingxian County and the unearthed literature of Shuanggudui No. 1 in Fuyang, it can be deduced that the literature of Confucianism in Shuoyuan is quoted from ancient times, The current “Confucius” language is not quoted from “Shuoyuan”, but from the ancient “Confucius”, is the product of Confucianism Wei home.