
来源 :江苏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangyilong
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一、备课从实际出发。过去,我们备算术课钻研教材不够深,没有抓准教学中的主要矛盾,按主观意图选择教法,按教案框框安排教学环节,犯了主观主义、形式主义的错误。要贯彻少而精原别,采用启发式教授法,培养学生的学习主动性,提高算术教学质量,必须从改进备课方法做起,做到吃透两头,从实际出发。例如,在一年级教《1到10各数的认识》的要求,主要是:使学生能够正确地数出数量在10以内的各种实物的个数,掌握10以内数的顺序和大小;会读会写1到10各个数,井且能写得正确匀称。教师了解到,学生在入学前已经具有初步的数数、读数的能力,在备课时,就确定以教数的组成、大小和写数为重点。对学生已经掌握 First, lesson preparation from the reality. In the past, we did not pay enough attention to studying the teaching materials in class, failing to grasp the main contradictions in teaching, selecting the teaching method according to the subjective intent, arranging the teaching links according to the teaching plan and framing the mistakes of subjectivism and formalism. In order to carry out the principle of using less and more scholarly methods, adopting the heuristic teaching method, cultivating students' learning initiative and improving the quality of arithmetic teaching, we must start from improving the lesson preparation method so that we can thoroughly understand both from reality. For example, the requirement for teaching “1 to 10 in every grade” in the first grade is mainly to enable students to correctly count the number of various objects within 10 and to grasp the order and size within 10; Read write 1 to 10 each number, well and can write well-balanced. Teachers learned that students had the initial number of readings before entering school, and when preparing lessons, they decided to focus on the composition, size and number of writing. For students already mastered
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1 病例介绍患者,男性,50岁,以咽下梗噎感1月余入院。查体:一般情况佳,浅表淋巴结未触及肿大,心肺听诊无明显异常,肝脾肋下未触及,双下肢无水肿。化验检查均正常。胸片及腹腔