In the second half of the twentieth century, terrorist activities were occurring worldwide and worsening. To punish terrorist crimes, a series of international conventions have been formulated and signed to prevent and punish terrorism. All countries have successively enacted laws to severely punish terrorist criminal activities. Definition of Terrorist Crime There is currently no international definition of terrorist crime that can be universally accepted by all countries. With regard to terrorism, the Concise Encyclopaedia of Britannia is defined as the use of insidious violence to blackmail or threaten Governments, the public or individuals for a specific political purpose. The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism adopted at the Geneva Conference of 1937 held that: “A terrorist act refers to a crime that directly opposes a country and whose purpose and purpose is to create terror on the part of an individual, an individual group or the public. The FBI refers to terrorism as ”the use of force or violence against one’s body or property for the advancement of political or social purposes.