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1896年至1949年间,为黑龙江省近代历史文化建筑发展历程的重要节点。此段建筑发展史承载着在遭受列强侵略屈辱的大环境下的东北地区社会经济在近代的发展与文化交织,也反映着当时世界范围内建筑的潮流、特点、风格和缺陷。做好这批百年历史的建筑的保护工作,应准确掌握这一年代建筑的材料特点和结构特点,在现状基础上,有针对性提出结构与建筑协调的保护建议,利用合理的结构手段实现近代历史文化建筑的有效保护,实现其建筑艺术价值与安全性保障的有机统一。 From 1896 to 1949, Heilongjiang Province, the history of modern architecture and history of the important node. The history of the development of this part of the history of the building carries the modern economic development and interweave of the social economy in northeast China in the context of the aggression and humiliation suffered by the powers. It also reflects the tidal currents, characteristics, styles and shortcomings of the buildings in the world at that time. To do a good job in the protection of these hundred-year-old buildings, we should accurately grasp the material characteristics and structural features of the buildings of this era. On the basis of the current situation, we put forward suggestions for the protection of the coordination of structures and buildings and make rational use of structural means to achieve modern The effective protection of historical and cultural buildings, to achieve the organic unity of the architectural art value and security.
文章针对包钢500 m^2大型烧结机配加FMG混合粉后产生的质量下降问题,从化学成分、粒度组成以及同化性和液相流动性等方面研究了FMG混合粉的性能。结果表明,FMG混合粉SiO 2含