
来源 :给水排水 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xliang677
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本文首先对国内外水资源状况及其开发利用状况进行了分析,然后从国内水资源开发利用及节约用水的现状出发,分析了当前比较有效的节约用水技术,如通过改进工业生产工艺,降低工业生产用水量;提高工业用水重复利用率;建设中水工程;污水再利用技术;海水利用技术等。对节水管理法规、节水管理体制、节水管理内容及手段等都进行了深刻的探讨。 同时对计算机应用于节水管理的问题也进行了探讨,对节约用水管理信息系统(JSMIS)的建立作了详细的分析,研究了JSMIS的目标与内容、设计与实施方法、软硬件配置及功能设置等方面的问题。提出建立实用的、先进的JSMIS是提高我国节水管理水平的重要手段。并以洛阳市节约用水的实例充分说明了问题。 最后通过对我国水资源开发利用的现状研究,指出节约用水应是我国水资源开发利用的一项基本政策;同时对我国节约用水过程中存在的主要问题,如管理体制问题、水价问题、城市郊区节约用水问题等也作了详细分析。并据此提出我国的节约用水主要发展策略。 This paper first analyzes the status of water resources at home and abroad and the development and utilization of the water resources. Based on the current situation of domestic water resources development and utilization and water conservation, this paper analyzes the current more effective water conservation technologies, such as improving industrial production technology and reducing industrial Production water consumption; improve the reuse of industrial water; construction of water works; wastewater reuse technology; sea water utilization technology. The water-saving management regulations, water management system, water-saving management content and means all conducted a profound discussion. At the same time, the issue of computer application in water saving management was also discussed. The establishment of water saving management information system (JSMIS) was analyzed in detail. The purpose and content of JSMIS, design and implementation method, hardware and software configuration and function Set up and other aspects of the problem. Put forward to establish a practical, advanced JSMIS is to improve our water-saving management an important means. And Luoyang City, an example of water conservation fully illustrates the problem. Finally, through the research on the status quo of the development and utilization of water resources in our country, it is pointed out that water conservation should be a basic policy for the development and utilization of water resources in our country. At the same time, the main problems in the process of water conservation in our country, such as management system, water price, Water conservation issues have also been analyzed in detail. Based on this, we propose the main strategies for water conservation in our country.
徐冬青,安徽阜阳人,二○○○年毕业于阜阳师范学院美术系。同年入北京画院王明明工作室学习。现为中国画研究院 Xu Dongqing, Anhui Fuyang, 2000 graduated from the Fine
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