山不在高,有仙则名;水不在深,有龙则灵。石家庄振头医院是在仓安西路一个不显眼的地方,但因为有一位专治心脑血管病和中医疑难杂症的良医——中国著名中医专家肖锋研究员,每天慕名前来寻医、求药者络绎不绝,院办室的(0311)3028640专家热线也响个不停,肖锋研究员一边认真地为就诊的患者诊病开处方,一边耐心地接受患者的咨询。 肖锋以精湛的医术、高尚的医德把几十万名备受病痛折磨的患者接回了康寿之路。他靠的是什么呢?肖锋发明的中国第七代血稀疗法,是目前预防和根治心脑血管病非常有效的疗法,能快
Mountain is not high, there is immortality name; water is not deep, there is the spirit of the dragon. Shijiazhuang Zhen Tau Hospital in Cang An Road inconspicuous place, but because there is a cure cardio-cerebral vascular diseases and TCM incurable diseases - Chinese famous Chinese expert Xiao Feng researcher, come to seek medical attention every day, Seeking medical treatment in an endless stream, the hospital office (0311) 3028640 experts hotline also ringing non-stop, Xiao Feng researcher while seriously for the treatment of patients diagnosed prescription, while patiently receiving patient counseling. Xiao Feng with superb medical skills, noble medical ethics hundreds of thousands of patients suffering from affliction back Kangshou road. He rely on what is it? Xiao Feng invented the Chinese seventh generation of blood thinning therapy, is currently the prevention and cure of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease is a very effective therapy, can quickly