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职工书屋不仅是职工知识的拓展场所,更是推进素质教育、提高工作质量、主动接受教育的重要阵地,已引起教育行政部门和工会的重视。我们认为:办好职工书屋的关键是看得到效益,即作用发挥。让库存的图书尽可能地走向职工的广泛阅读,是图书馆效益的主要衡量。我们的几点体会是:1)图书馆藏书应做到结构合理,要让职工书屋受到广大职工欢迎,关键是书籍的对路,迎合读者群的需求。2)图书需要推介,要让职工在仓促有限的课余时间里能很快借阅到心仪的书籍,管理员可以从做好新书推介、热门图书精选推介、目录索引便捷查找等途径着手。3)读书需要氛围。职工的读书氛围还是需要各机关单位携手积极营造,机关单位读书氛围能大大促进图书馆建设和效能发挥。最有效的途径是在各机关单位中广泛组织开展丰富多彩的读书活动。 Staff bookstore is not only an expansion of knowledge workers, but also promote quality education, improve the quality of work, an important position to take the initiative to receive education, has drawn the attention of educational administration and trade unions. We think: The key to running an employee’s bookstore is to see benefits, that is, play a role. It is the primary measure of the library’s effectiveness to keep the stock of books as extensive as possible for workers. Some of our experience is: 1) The library should be made of books should be structured and reasonable, to make the staff bookstore welcomed by the majority of workers, the key is the book the right path to meet the needs of readers. 2) Books need to be promoted. Employees should be able to quickly borrow their favorite books in a hurry after school hours. Administrators can start with new book introduction, hot book selection and promotion, and convenient directory indexing. 3) reading requires atmosphere. The reading atmosphere of workers still needs the active cooperation of various agencies and units, and the reading atmosphere of the organs and units can greatly promote the construction of the library and the effectiveness of its implementation. The most effective way is to organize a wide range of reading activities in various government agencies.
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