度尽劫波传道义——赵家欣的人生经历及文学活动 1995年,正值中国抗日战争胜利50周年,80岁的赵家欣获得了一块纪念铜匾, 匾上刻着八个字:“以笔为枪投身抗战”, 这是中国作家协会特地给在世的抗战时期老作家颁发的。赵家欣何以获得这么光荣的一块铜匾呢?这得从他的人生经历和文学活动说起。赵家欣1915年12月生于厦门岛一个贫民家庭。父亲中年谢世,母亲是个家庭妇
Exhaustive robbery morality - Zhao Jiaxin’s life experiences and literary activities In 1995, coincided with the 50th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese Anti-Japanese War, 80-year-old Zhao Jiaxin received a commemorative copper plaque engraved with eight words: Gun into the war, "this is the Chinese Writers Association specifically to the surviving anti-Japanese period writer issued. Why did Zhao Jiaxin get such a glorious piece of copper plaque? This may have to do with his life experiences and literary activities. Zhao Jiaxin was born in December 1915 in Xiamen Island, a poor family. Middle-aged father died, mother is a family woman