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在数学课堂教学中,学生的回答往往会不经意地出现一些亮点,这些亮点是学生学习的顿悟、灵感的萌发、瞬间的创造,稍纵即逝。因此,教师必须用心倾听学生的发言,及时捕捉意外的生成,并给予充分肯定,为学生的“异想天开”喝彩,让智慧闪现光芒。案例一:学习苏教版六年级下册“圆柱和圆锥”单元时,学生经常会碰到这样一道题:“一个圆柱形容器的侧面积是56.52 In mathematics classroom teaching, the students ’answers often inadvertently appear some bright spots, these highlights are the students’ learning epiphany, inspiration germination, the moment of creation, fleeting. Therefore, teachers must carefully listen to the students’ speeches, catch the unexpected generation in time, and give full affirmation, applause the students ”whimsical “, let the wisdom shine. Case 1: Learning Sujiao version of the sixth grade under the ”cylinder and cone“ unit, students often encounter such a problem: ”A cylindrical container side area is 56.52
[摘 要]问题导学法的教学本质是将数学内容问题化,从而更好地激发学生的探究欲望,最终实现教学目标。教师可从知识的生长点入手,采用问题导学法,促使学生对数学问题进行分析、研究、讨论,最终解决问题,有效提高学生的综合能力。  [关键词]课堂教学;问题导学;生长点;生成过程;变式训练  [中图分类号] G623.5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1007-9068(2017)23-0083-01