因为我本人在具体经济实际部门工作,经常涉及经济咨询问题,我想探讨一下21世纪的经济学研究和21世纪的经济咨询业之间应该是一种什么样的关系?怎么才能结合得更好一点?我想有三件事可以做。 第一件事要培育人。通过大学研究机构培育合格的优秀的经济学的人才,为经济工作培育
Because I myself work in specific economic realities and often involve economic counseling, I would like to explore what kind of relationship should be between economic research in the 21st century and economic counseling in the 21st century. How can we combine better? A little? I think there are three things you can do. The first thing to nurture people. Cultivate qualified economists through university research institutes and cultivate economic work