月落乌啼霜满天, 江枫渔火对愁眠。 姑苏城外寒山寺, 夜半钟声到客船。 ——唐·张继《枫桥夜泊》 这首诗一经出世,盛名远扬,千载之下,读者甚众。一般人认为此诗表达的是诗人落泊、寂寞之意,夜半钟声更添了一层凄楚之情。笔者认为这是对诗人的误会,对诗歌的误解。究其原因应是对“夜半钟声到客船”的“钟声”解读不到位造成的。
The moonlight covered the black sky and frost, and Jiang Feng caught fire. Cold Mountain Temple outside Gusu City, to the passenger ship at midnight. ——Tang Zhang Ji’s “Flood Parked in the Night at Fengqiao” This poem was famous after its birth and was well-known for a thousand years. Most people think that this poem expresses the poet’s feelings of loneliness and loneliness, and that the night bell has added a layer of embarrassment. The author thinks this is a misunderstanding to the poet and a misunderstanding of poetry. The reason for this is that the interpretation of the “bells of the night bell to the passenger ship” is not in place.