病案号175640 王××男56岁自1980年末左眼视力下降,二年后失明。1983年3月右眼视力减退,在宁夏某医院以视神经萎缩进行治疗,因末见效转入我科。入院查全身情况尚好,血压140/84mmHg,视力右眼0.08不能矫正,左眼光感消失。两眼前节无明显异常,眼底见两侧视神经乳头苍白,边缘尚清,网膜动脉细反光增强,按视神经萎缩进行治疗并查找病因。在追问病史中家属诉自1982年起步态不稳,记忆力明显减退,有时语无伦次。经各项检查发现脑电图异常,腰穿脑压190mmH_2O(胸膝位),脑脊液生化检查蛋白偏高。住院期间
Case No. 175640 King × × Male 56 years old Since the end of 1980 left eye vision decreased, two years after blindness. March 1983 visual acuity in the right eye, a hospital in Ningxia optic nerve atrophy for treatment, due to the final effect into our department. Admitted to check the whole body is still good, blood pressure 140 / 84mmHg, visual acuity 0.08 can not be corrected right eye, light perception left disappear. No obvious anterior segment of the two anomalies, retinal see the optic nerve head on both sides of the pale, edge is clear, retinal artery reflex enhanced, according to optic atrophy for treatment and find the cause. Family history in interrogation in family history v. Instability since 1982, memory significantly decreased, and sometimes incoherent. The examination revealed abnormal EEG, lumbar pressure 190mmH_2O (chest knee position), high biochemical examination of cerebrospinal fluid. During hospitalization