Exploring the Symbolic Meaning of the Name Daisy Fay in the Great Gatsby

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Daisy Fay in the Great Gatsby,designed by the author intentionally,is such a wonderful name and full of symbolic meaning.The features of the name are not only considered to reflect the essence and personality of Daisy Fay,but also deepen the theme of the novel. Daisy Fay in the Great Gatsby, designed by the author intentionally, is such a wonderful name and full of symbolic meaning. Features in the name are not only considered to reflect the essence and personality of Daisy Fay, but also deepen the theme of the novel
一  有娃子的手吓人。  似乎比正常的手大出一倍,肿大变形的指节和手腕布着圆滚滚的疙瘩,很难想像一双手上会结出这么多疙瘩,像是两坨庞大的生姜。想到这是一双摩托车手的手,每天要塞进手套,握紧车把,搭载乘客去往镇子乡下的沟沟岔岔,就更不寻常了。  两年前的一场痛风之后,有娃子的手开始变成了这样,圆滚滚的疙瘩在他的脚踝、肋巴上也可以摸到。痛风来自长年在山西小煤窑里的经历,“水洞子搞久了,避开了尘肺,却落