Zhejiang Native Hosts CCTV Programs

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  Lao Chunyan appeared as an anchorwoman at “Asia Today” and “Focus Today”, two new programs at the International Channel of CCTV after China’s largest television network consolidated its resources and overhauled its programs in the second half of 2009.
  Naturally, people in her hometown Shaoxing are happy to notice her new status as a television journalist at the CCTV. They believe this is the latest evidence of her career success. Shaoxing in eastern Zhejiang Province in eastern China is a city of profound historical and cultural heritage. The city is home to many historical personages such as writer Lu Xun, educator Cai Yuanpei and revolutionary Qiu Jin.
  Lao Chunyan was born into a family of journalists. A brilliant young scholar, she entered Shaoxing Number One Middle School in 1984. Founded in 1897, the school is the alma mater of many outstanding people. Of over 40,000 graduates over the past 100 plus years, two later became president of Beijing University and seventeen academicians. In July 1990 Lao Chunyan scored the top score in Shaoxing District in the national college entrance examination and enrolled at the journalism department of Shanghai-based Fudan University, one of the two major journalism departments in China (the other one is in Beijing University).
  At Fudan, she again proved her scholarly brilliance by completing all her studies in three yeas and graduating a year ahead of her classmates. She began to work for Shanghai Television. In 1994 she worked as an editor for International News and hosted News Today and News Perspective at Shanghai Television. In 1998 she transferred to Shanghai Satellite Television. In the face of fierce competition for attention, the newly established channel was not the most favorite television in the metropolis. She greatly boosted its reputation in April 1999 when a Korean cargo plane crashed in Shanghai. She covered the incident and followed it up in the next four months with a series of reports looking into various hidden aspects of the crash. Her thorough coverage of the crash was regarded as the first of its kind in China’s television journalism. Her reports pulled in large audiences and drew considerable responses. Her contribution enabled Shanghai Satellite Television to greatly raise its viewing ranking. She won national and municipal honors for excellence in journalism.
  In 2001, she matriculated into a three-year graduate course in the Economics Department of Fudan University. She studied hard and graduated with all honors.
  After doing a brilliant television job in Shanghai from 1994 to 2006, Lao Chunyan came to work for CCTV in 2006.
  Her first job at CCTV was to host a law report program and her colleagues included the best law reporters in China’s television field. In order to excel, she took a self-designed crash course. Again her brilliance as a scholar helped her. She acquired necessary amount of knowledge and was able to host talk shows on legal issues, thus securing herself as a good journalist at CCTV.
  In July 2009 she came to work at CCTV international. “Asia Today” is a program covering news from Asian countries. Anchors at this news program must have profound knowledge of Asia. “Focus Today” is a primetime program at the International Channel. Her performance in her latest assignment is proved by her colleagues and management. □
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