汉字能否实行拼音化?要回答这个问题,就要简单回顾一下汉字的历史。 目前我们能看到的最早的汉字,是距今三千多年前商代晚期的甲骨文。甲骨文和其它文字一样,是表音文字。但它表音的方法不是用字母记录音素,而用象形的方式记录音节。典型的例子如虎字的读音是“虎”,但这个“虎”音不是用字母的形式表达,而是画一个侧视的老虎来表达。当然,整个甲骨文的表音情况比这要复杂得多,但是就用字形来表音节这一点来说,却是统一的。
Chinese characters can be implemented pinyin? To answer this question, we must briefly review the history of Chinese characters. At present, the earliest Chinese characters we can see are Oracle dating back to Shang Dynasty more than 3,000 years ago. Oracle, like any other text, is phonetic. However, the method of phonetic transcription is not to record phonemes with letters, but to record the syllables in a pictographic manner. A typical example is the tiger’s pronunciation is “tiger”, but the “tiger” sound is not expressed in the form of letters, but painted a tiger side to express. Of course, the entire oracle inscription is much more complex than this, but it is uniform in the sense of phonetic syllables.