At present, the widely used domestic wet ball temperature efficiency method to calculate the wet conditions of the surface cooler. The mathematical model of the derivation formula of this method is clear, the derivation process is rigorous, and the calculation is more convenient. When the air cooler is dry, the heat exchange between the air and the outer surface of the cooler is the dry bulb temperature difference. However, during wet conditions, the total heat exchange between the air and the outer surface of the cooler is driven by the enthalpy difference rather than the dry bulb temperature difference. Therefore, using the dry-bulb temperature efficiency formula to calculate the wet condition of the surface cooler, the physical concept is not clear enough; in addition, because the dewaxing coefficient ξ in the method is unknown at the time of calibration calculation, a cumbersome trial calculation must be made. This is the two shortcomings of this law. In the past few years, some comrades in China have proposed several wet bulb temperature efficiencies.