我院在1971~1979年间收治扁桃体恶性肿瘤52例,对其中经病理证实局部照射剂量达2,000rad以上,观察满2年者36例做了初步分析。年龄10~72岁,41~60岁发病最高。男:女=1.2:1,女性发病率高于一般文献报道。本组中Ⅳ期占45.8%。放疗后二年生存率52.7%; 5年50%,二者大致相等,说明扁桃体恶性肿瘤经单纯放射治疗后能活过2年者即可能获得较长时间的生存。本组女性生存率高于男性患者;年龄在40岁以下者生存率高于41岁以上者;淋巴结转移情况可能是决定预后的主要因素。
In our hospital from 1971 to 1979, 52 cases of tonsillar malignant tumors were treated, and the local irradiation dose was more than 2,000 rad confirmed by pathology. A preliminary analysis was performed in 36 cases who were observed for 2 years. The age of 10 to 72 years old, the highest incidence of 41 to 60 years old. Male: female = 1.2:1, female incidence rate is higher than the general literature reports. Phase IV accounts for 45.8% of this group. After two years of radiotherapy, the survival rate was 52.7%; 5 years and 50%, both of which were roughly equal, indicating that tonsillar malignant tumors that survived for 2 years after radiotherapy alone may have a longer survival time. The survival rate of this group of women is higher than that of male patients; the survival rate of those under 40 years of age is higher than those of 41 years of age; lymph node metastasis may be the main factor in determining the prognosis.