
来源 :市场瞭望(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:madefake
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股指期货目前已成为市场所关注的一个焦点问题。我们预计2008年股指期货将正式在中国资本市场鸣锣登场。客观认为,股指期货必须适时推出。股指期货的推出将使中国资本市场完成从“单边市场”向“双边市场”的过渡,所谓双边市场,就是投资者不仅可以通过价格上涨盈利,也可以通过价格下跌来盈利。股指期货推出也使得对冲交易在中国得以产生。对冲交易作为一种低风险、中高收益的交易方式,可以有效化解风险,对整体市场和投资者都有益。 Stock index futures has become a market focus of attention. We expect stock index futures in 2008 to officially unveil in the Chinese capital market. Objectively believe that stock index futures must be timely introduction. The introduction of stock index futures will enable the Chinese capital market to complete the transition from “unilateral market ” to “bilateral market ”. The so-called bilateral market means that investors can make profits not only through price increases but also through price drops. The introduction of stock index futures also makes hedging transactions can be generated in China. As a low-risk, medium-high-yield trading method, hedging transactions can effectively resolve risks and benefit both the overall market and investors.
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强降雨是碎石土滑坡的主要诱发因素。通过室内人工强降雨对碎石土边坡进行研究,在雨强为1.6 mm/min下研究了初始含水率与降雨历时相同时不同斜坡坡度(缓坡22°和陡坡31°)下
讲述了两位小淀粉菜板007和一股脑有趣的电脑奇遇。 Describes two small starch chopping board 007 and brain funny computer adventure.
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