中国液压气动密封件工业协会,组成以理事长张志英为团长的访美考察团,于2000年4月9日至23日对美国的液压、密封件的生产企业(公司)进行以技术和产品开发为主的综合考察。先后考察了伊顿(Eaton)和派克汉尼芬(Parker Hannifin)两大公司总部及所属9间生产厂,以及GE法纳克(Fanuc)电子厂。 考察团所到之处,都受到友好热情的欢迎和诚恳悉心的接待,表现出美国企业家对中国市场的青睐,深深感觉到美国企业持续创新、不甘人后的锐意进取的当代精神。百闻不如一见,感观颇丰,收益非浅。 在此,仅就派克汉尼芬密封集团圣地亚哥垫片O形圈部考察见闻及有关情况综述如下:
China Hydraulic and Pneumatic Sealing Industry Association, composed of the delegation headed by Director Zhang Zhiying, visited the United States, and conducted technology and products for the hydraulics and seal manufacturing companies (companies) of the United States from April 9 to April 23, 2000. Development-oriented comprehensive inspection. Inspected the headquarters of Eaton and Parker Hannifin and their 9 production plants, and GE Fanuc electronics factory. Wherever the delegation visited, it was warmly welcomed and sincerely received. It showed that American entrepreneurs favored the Chinese market and deeply felt the contemporary spirit of continuous innovation and unwillingness of American companies. One hundred observations are not as good as they are. Here, the review of the observations and related information of the Parker O-ring section of the Parker Hannifin Sealing Group is summarized as follows: