小儿肝母细胞瘤又称幼儿型肝细胞瘤,在临床上较为罕见。我院自1985年以来共收治2例,现报告如下: [例1]男性,1岁。因上腹部肿块10天拟“肝脏肿瘤”转来我院。无发热,饮食及大小便均正常。入院体检:T37.2℃,一般情况良好,颈软,心肺无异常。剑突下稍膨隆,可及一约拳头大小肿块,质地硬,可随呼吸活动,与肝脏界限不清,尚光滑,触痛不明显。余无阳性发现。B超:肝左外叶占位。AFP阳性(对流法)。血红蛋白106g/L。入院拟诊:肝脏肿瘤。于1985年7月
Pediatric hepatoblastoma, also known as infantile hepatoma, is rare in clinical practice. Two cases have been treated in our hospital since 1985. The current report is as follows: [Example 1] Male, 1 year old. 10 days of the upper abdominal mass planning “liver tumor” transferred to our hospital. No fever, diet and urine are normal. Admission physical examination: T37.2 °C, generally good, soft neck, heart and lung without exception. The xiphoid section is slightly bulging and can be about the size of a fist. It has a hard texture and can be associated with respiratory activity. The boundary between the liver and the liver is unclear, but it is still smooth and the tenderness is not obvious. I have no positive findings. Ultrasonography: Left hepatic lobe occupying position. AFP positive (convection method). Hemoglobin 106g/L. Admitted to hospital for diagnosis: liver tumors. In July 1985