Looking back on the history of theEnglish language over the pastcenturies,one is struck by the factthat in almost every century,there was talk ofa slow but ine
一只小狗在宠物店里等待着它未来的主人。一天,来了个小男孩。他拍了拍小狗的脑袋,把它带回了家。小男孩和小狗一起玩耍,他们拔河、捉迷藏,建立了深厚的感情。有一天,小男孩跑丢了。小狗很着急,四处寻找。它找到主人了吗? 1.I’m a little black puppy. I live in a pet shop. Soon I will have a kid of my own. 我是一只小黑狗。
It is said that as early as in the 2nd centuryBCE,sailing,music,and swimmingcontests had already taken place inancient Greece in honor of their gods.Inancient