1 松花江,俄称“申加尔河”,乃东北水运干道,流域面积占东北土地面积的三分之一。沿江物产丰饶,地理位置十分重要。因此,它成了沙俄继19世纪中期,侵吞中国东北大片领土,攫取黑龙江、乌苏里江航权之后,又一攫取的目标。在半个世纪的时间里,沙俄攫取并曾垄断了松花江的航权,把它变成沙俄帝国主义掠夺东北人民财富的吸血管和推行其远东政策的运输线。沙俄对松花江的窥探,始于19世纪。1854年,斯捷潘诺夫率兵沿黑龙江进抵松花江口,遭清守军抗击。当时,清政府下令沿江居民“清野”,陷俄兵于无衣无食之困境,最后全歼之。1858年7月14日,
1 Songhua River, Russia called “Shenar River”, is the northeast waterway, watershed area accounting for one-third of the land area in Northeast China. Rich in natural resources along the river, the geographical location is very important. Therefore, it became another goal grabbed by Russia after it invaded a large part of the northeastern China territory in the mid-19th century and seized power from Heilongjiang and Ussuri Rivers. For half a century, tsarist Russia seized and monopolized Songhua River ’s right of way and turned it into a blood-sucking pipe for imperialist Russia to plunder the wealth of the northeast people and the transport line to carry out its Far East policy. Tsarist Russia’s exploration of the Songhua River began in the 19th century. In 1854, Stepanov led his troops along the Songhua River in Heilongjiang and was attacked by Qing defenders. At that time, the Qing government ordered the inhabitants of the rivers to “clear the wild” and trapped Russian soldiers in a predicament without food and clothing and finally wiped out them. July 14, 1858,