比起整个京城的纷繁热闹,这条街的宁静古朴确实让人感到适闲优雅。远处古城墙耸立在一大片青砖灰瓦的宅院建筑中,透着无尽威严,又仿佛在陈示着多少代以来的苍桑春秋。 街的尽头卧着一家挂蓝幡的小饭馆,张乔、志远、李宣、王明星四人正飞快地变换着手势互相比划,周玲玲笑嘻嘻地看着四人无声的较量,她还从没见过这么怪的划拳。“都是张乔瞎编什么四国大战。”赵志远气鼓鼓地又喝了一杯。
Compared to the entire capital of the numerous lively, quiet and simple this street really makes people feel free and elegant. The ancient city wall in the distance stands in a large brick building with a brick wall, showing endless majesty, but also seems to show how many generations Cangsang Spring and Autumn Period. Lying at the end of the street lying a small restaurant blue banner, Zhang Qiao, Zhiyuan, Li Xuan, Wang Mingxing four are rapidly changing gestures gestures, Zhou Lingling smiled and looked at four silent contest, she never Have seen such a strange stroke. “What are the four world war Zhang Qiaoban compiled.” Zhao Zhiyuan angrily drank a cup.