
来源 :今日四川 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuxin99
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Comrade Deng Xiao Ping was fond of Sichuan Opera very much and went to the theater in Chengdu several times. He said that Sichuan Opera should keep on being reformed as well as keeping its artistic character and peculiar style, and that the theme be renewed in accord with the changes of times. Furthermore, he thought that those excellent traditional plays, prohibited in public before, should not only be brought on stage, but also be shown on TV and radio. on the initiative of Deng Xiao Ping. stariing from the release of the traditional Sichuan operas, there began a nationwide release of the traditional operas. As a result, this national excellent classic art flourished in the late 70s and eary 80s. Comrade Deng Xiao Ping was fond of Sichuan Opera very much and went to the theater in Chengdu several times. He said that Sichuan Opera should keep on being reformed as well as keeping its artistic character and peculiar style, and that the theme be renewed in accord with the changes of times. furthermore, he thought that those excellent traditional plays, prohibited in public before, should not only be brought on stage, but also be shown on TV and radio. on the initiative of Deng Xiao Ping. stariing from the release of the traditional Sichuan operas, there began a nationwide release of the traditional operas. As a result, this national excellent classic art flourished in the late 70s and eary 80s.
对熔模铸件孤立热节热型壳进行了浇注前及浇注后局部水淬激冷试验。试验结果表明 ,浇注前热型壳局部水淬能有效提高铸件孤立热节处的凝固冷却速度 ,有效防止孤立热节处产生缩
值此2006年新春佳节到来之际,我谨代表钦州市340多万人民向全区广大人民拜年!向关心支持钦州发展的各界人士表示衷心的感谢!向在钦州投资创业的广大客商致以美好的祝愿! 过去
排球为球类运动项目之一,因运动员隔着网站立,用手把球打来打去而得名。英文的意思是“空中不断飞行的球”。排球起源于十九世纪末的美国。 1895年,美国好利诺青年会干事威
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