一 论雅典帝国 近代古典文学传统认为,雅典于前478年成立的提洛同盟(the Delian League),其金库于前454年移往雅典,是雅典同盟(the Athenian Alliance)转变成为雅典帝国(the Athenian Empire)的标志。其实,从国家的实质说,雅典帝国也就是雅典同盟。作为帝国诸邦同盟的盟主之邦,雅典本身还是一个邦(Polis),或曰城邦(the city-state),而不是一般历史上所谓帝国,如罗马帝国、秦汉帝国等帝国。理由十分简单而明确,罗马帝国、秦汉帝国等所谓帝国,是一种国家,是帝国公民的政治单位,而雅典帝国这种帝国不是
On the Athenian Empire According to the classical classical literature of Athens, the Delian League, founded in 478 in Athens, moved to Athens in the first 454 and was converted by the Athenian Alliance into the Athens Empire Athenian Empire) logo. In fact, from the essence of the country, the Athenian Empire is the Athens alliance. As a federation of empires, Athens itself is a Polis or the city-state, not an empire as it is generally called in the history of history, such as the Roman Empire and the Qin and Han empires. The reason is very simple and clear, the so-called empire, such as the Roman Empire, the Qin and Han empires, is a country, is the political unit of the imperial citizens, and the Empire of Athens is not