茄子是人们喜食的大宗蔬菜之一 ,但生产上土传性病害较重 ,影响了茄子的生产和消费 ,由于目前尚无抗病品种 ,国内外主要采用嫁接技术来进行防治。因此对茄子嫁接技术的研究显得非常必要。1 材料和方法1.1 材料 云南野生茄、本地野生茄作砧木 ,三月茄、渝早茄 1号作接穗。
Eggplant is one of the bulk vegetables that people like to eat. However, soil-borne diseases are heavier in production, affecting the production and consumption of eggplants. Since there are no resistant varieties at present, grafting techniques are mainly used at home and abroad for prevention and treatment. Therefore, the grafting of eggplant technology is very necessary. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Materials Yunnan wild tomato, local wild tomato as rootstock, March tomato, Yu early egg No. 1 as a scion.