书名:保罗·安德鲁回忆录作者:〔法〕保罗·安德鲁译者:周冉出版:中信出版社出版日期:2015年01月文字:中文224千字开本:880 mm×1230 mm 1/32页数:280页定价:$58.00元保罗·安德鲁(Paul Andreu),这位著名的法国建筑师因为中国国家大剧院而被我们熟知。而让他真正扬名的设计,是在世界范围内50余座的机场规划,特别是位于马尼拉、阿布扎比、雅加达、开罗、文莱、巴黎和上海浦东等地的机场,其他享有盛誉的项
Title: Memoirs of Paul Andreu: [France] Paul Andreu Translator: Zhou Ran Publisher: CITIC Publishing Date: January 2015 Text: Chinese 224 thousand words Folio: 880 mm × 1230 mm 1/32 Pages : 280 pages Price: $ 58.00 Paul Andreu, the famous French architect known to us as the National Center for the Performing Arts of China. And his real name is the design of more than 50 airfields around the world, especially in airports in Manila, Abu Dhabi, Jakarta, Cairo, Brunei, Paris and Shanghai Pudong, among other prestigious items