一九○○年爆发了以农民为主体的、威震中外的义和团反帝爱国运动。这个运动沉重地打击了帝国主义阴谋瓜分中国的罪恶计划,显示了中国人民巨大的力量,成为半个世纪之后中国人民最终推翻帝国主义和反动派压迫的奠基石之一。帝国主义对义和团运动的联合镇压遭到了世界公正舆论的谴责,其中最重要的是列宁在1900年12月《火星报》创刊号上发表的《中国的战争》一文,揭露了帝国主义侵华的罪恶目的,他特别指出: “那些到中国来只是为了大发横财的人,那些利用自己的所谓文明来进行欺骗、掠夺和镇压的人,那些为了取得贩卖毒害人民的鸦片的权利而同中国作战的人,那些用传教的鬼话来掩盖掠夺政策的人,中国人难道不痛恨他们吗?欧洲各国资产阶级政府早就对中国实行这种掠夺政策了,现在俄国专制政府也参加了进去。”这是列宁代表了世界无产阶级对中国人民的反帝斗争所作的最有力的声援。
In 1900 a group of peasants were the main body of the Boxer Anti-imperialist and Patriotic Movement at Metrocentre, both at home and abroad. The campaign has dealt a heavy blow to the evil plan of the imperialists in plotting to divide China. It shows the immense power of the Chinese people and is one of the cornerstones of the Chinese people’s overthrow of oppression by the imperialists and reactionaries half a century later. The joint suppression by the imperialists over the Boxer Rebellion was condemned by the just public opinion in the world. The most important of these was Lenin’s article “The War on China” published in the first issue of the “The Star” in December 1900, exposing the evil of the imperialists’ invasion of China In particular, he pointed out: “Those who came to China merely to make big profits, those who use their own so-called civilization to cheat, plunder and repress those who fought with China for the sake of trafficking in opium that poisoned the people People, those who use precepts to cover up predatory policies, do not the Chinese hate them? The bourgeois governments of European countries have long implemented such a predatory policy against China, and now Russia’s authoritarian government has joined in. ”This is Lenin represented the world’s proletariat’s strongest solidarity with the Chinese people in its struggle against imperialism.