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在语文阅读教学过程中,教师必须扎实地坚持“以读为本”的理念。因此,在课堂中要留给学生充分的时间和空间,引导学生多读书,充分利用机会让学生通过串读、美读、巧读等多种形式把握主要内容、深刻思想感情、感悟写作方法,将“读”贯穿于阅读教学的全过程。 In the process of Chinese reading teaching, teachers must firmly adhere to the concept of “reading as the basis”. Therefore, students should be given enough time and space in the classroom to guide students to read more books and make full use of the opportunities for students to grasp the main contents through serial reading, reading, clever reading and other forms, profound thoughts and feelings, sentiment writing methods, Will “read ” throughout the whole process of reading teaching.
近期,国家发展改革委对全国自主创新发展情况进行了专项调研。经过初步分析,我国科技创新实力有所提高,但影响企业自主创新活力和动力的不确定因素有所增加,国家应加大政策支持力度,进一步激发企业的技术创新动力和活力。    一、我国自主创新的总体发展势头良好    从调研反映的情况看,有利于企业创新的政策环境正在不断改善,企业创新能力不断增强。  (一)激励创新的政策和法律环境建设取得积极进展  《国家中