1 “意识形态”是当今世界被使用得最多的概念之一。从记者们敏锐的评论到政治家庄重的宣言,从各种各样的学术著作到措词谨慎的外交文件,无不频繁地使用“意识形态”这个概念。“意识形态”概念的广泛流行应该归功于马克思,但马克思并不是它的最早使用者。意识形态的历史可以回溯几千年,然而这个词的诞生还不到二百年。18世纪末,一群被称为“意识形态学家”(jdeologue)的法国哲学家杜撰出了“意识形态”(jdeologie)这个词。这些人追随洛克和孔迪亚克,拒绝传统哲学中用本体论统一一切的做
1 “Ideology” is one of the most used concepts in the world today. From the keen comments of journalists to solemn declarations by politicians, the concept of “ideology” has been used indiscriminately, from a variety of academic works to cautiously worded diplomatic documents. The widespread popularity of the concept of “ideology” should be attributed to Marx, but Marx was not its earliest user. The history of ideology can be traced back thousands of years, but the word was born less than two hundred years ago. At the end of the eighteenth century, a group of French philosophers called “jdeologue” conceived the word “jdeologie.” These people follow Locke and Condiac, reject the traditional philosophy of unity with the ontology do