鲥鱼古称(鱼互)(hu 胡)型来、鲥刺,又称三来、三黎、时鱼。鲥属鲱科、鲥属。体侧扁、嘴尖,身披薄纸般的圆鳞,腹部呈银白色,如置暗室之中,则会熠熠闪光。鲥鱼为洄洲性鱼类,生活于海洋,每年春夏之际入江河产卵时鱼群集中,形成捕捞旺季。就全国而言,鲥鱼分布甚产,北起辽东,南至两广,西至川黔,而富春江鲥鱼尤为历史上名产。鲥鱼,营养丰富,苏轼有“风味胜鲈鱼”之说。古代诗人谢墉,有首赞美鲥鱼为鱼中西
Catfish ancient name (fish each other) (Hu Hu) type, sting, also known as three, Sanli, when the fish.鲥 is a herring Branch, 鲥 genus. Side of the body flat, tip, thin tissue-like round scales, silver-white belly, such as the dark room, it will shine. Catfish is a migratory continent of fish, living in the oceans, spring and summer each year into the river spawning fish concentration, the formation of fishing season. As far as the whole country is concerned, there are very large bonito species, ranging from Liaodong in the north to Guangdong and Guangxi in the north and Chuanqian in the west, and Fuchun River catfish is especially famous in history. Anchovy, nutrient-rich, Su Shi “flavor wins bass” said. Xie poem ancient poet, the first mantis fish for the fish in the West