去年,由60多位中外画家撰写的回忆徐悲鸿大师的《美的呼唤》一书出版后,在海内外引起很大反响,大家争相传阅,赞佩悲鸿大师高超的艺术成就,感念他那独具魅力的人格力量。许多艺术家把悲鸿大师当作加强自身修养的榜样。 最近,记者拜访了悲鸿大师的夫人——著名书法家、全国政协常委廖静文女士。她向我介绍道:“悲鸿已逝世44年,给我最深的印象可以概括成一
Last year, a book written by more than 60 Chinese and foreign painters reminiscing about Master Xu Beihong’s “Call of Beauty” aroused great repercussions both at home and abroad. Everyone was vying for the excellent artistic achievements of Master Beihong and admired his uniqueness Charismatic personality power. Many artists regard Master Hong as an example of strengthening self-cultivation. Recently, the reporter paid a visit to Mrs. Beihong’s great lady, a famous calligrapher, and Ms Liao Jingwen, a member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. She introduced me to him: "Beihong has been dead for 44 years and my deepest impression can be summed up as one