近年来,山东省胶南市民政局在建立与完善“政府主导、部门协作、社会参与”的工作机制中,进行了一些有益的探索.成效显著。主要做法: 一、把“三个坚持,两个确保”贯穿于优抚工作的始终。即:坚持高举爱国拥军旗帜,坚持依法优抚原则.坚持现行优待政策。确保优抚法规、政策的贯彻落实,确保优抚对象生活水平随着当地群
In recent years, the Jiaonan Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau of Shandong Province has made some useful explorations in setting up and perfecting the working mechanism of “government-led, departmental cooperation and social participation.” The main approach: First, the “three insist, two ensure” runs through the special care work. That is: adhere to hold the banner of patriotism and support the army and uphold the principle of giving preference according to law, adhere to the current preferential treatment policy. Ensuring the implementation of laws and regulations, implementing policies and ensuring the living standards of the special care recipients As local groups