The key points are set on the B-spline surface and the reference plane is introduced. The key points are used to form the internal and external boundaries defined by the B-spline curves and the parameterized B-spline curves on the reference plane. The Delaunay meshing technique is used to triangulate the triangles Divide and generate the initial structure of freeform surface that can adapt to the complicated boundary. Based on the relationship between the change of the coordinate of the key point and the strain energy of the freeform surface, the sensitivity of the strain energy to the key points is deduced, and the method of constructing the freeform surface structure with minimized strain energy is established. Low efficiency and optimization of the surface is not smooth secondary processing problems. The results show that the proposed method can solve the problem of creating a free-form surface with complex boundaries in practical engineering applications, and can create a variety of free and flexible free-form surface structures. The surface structure obtained by this method has a large stiffness , Bearing capacity is high, while minimizing the generation of bending moment, and with the initial defects on the structure of the reduced force characteristics.