The Main Characters' effect on the Tragical Ending of Tess D'Urbervilles in Tess of the D&

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Undoubtedly,Tess of the D’Urbervilles,the masterpiece of Thomas Hardy,is a precious diamond shining in the worldliterature.Through Tess’ s short and miserable life,the main characters Alec,Angel,her parents and even herself directly lead toher tragical ending.This thesis will analyze those people’s characters detailedly and systematically.Meanwhile,it will explain howthey influence and change Tess greatly.Tess’ s destiny is thoroughly changed when she accidentally meets Alec.He owns Tess byunlawful sexual intercourse due to his man’s selfish desire.Later,when Tess tells Angel her experience with Alec and her baby,hetotally collapsed,disappointed,distressed and his open-minded behavior disappears.The angel is so man-centered that he consid-ers his dignity and advantages in the first position.Her parents are incapable,ignorant and vainglorious and simple-minded.Tess’ shonesty,sincerity and dignity also lead to her tragedy.When she has no way to take care of her family,she doesn’t choose to con-tact Angel but go back to Alec’s bosom because she thinks that Angel has decided to terminate their relationship.Since all abovementioned,people are social animal and always receive their surrounding’s impact on them whether actively or subjectively.Dur-ing Tess’ s short and desperate life,the people she has recognized or contacted with are limited.Those main characters,Alec,An-gel,Tess’ s parents and herself directly lead to her tragical destiny. Undoubtedly, Tess of the D’Urbervilles, the masterpiece of Thomas Hardy, is a precious diamond shining in the world literature. Through Tess’ s short and miserable life, the main characters Alec, Angel, her parents and even herself directly lead toher tragical ending .This thesis is to analyze those people detailed characters and systematically.Meanwhile, it will explain how the influence and change Tess greatly.Tess’ s destiny is thoroughly changed when she accidentally meets meets Alec.He owns Tess byunlawful sexual intercourse due to his man’s selfish desire. Later, when Tess tells Angel her experience with Alec and her baby, hetotally collapsed, disappointed, distressed and his open-minded behavior disappears. Angel is so man-centered that he consid-ers his dignity and advantages in the first position. Her parents are incapable, ignorant and vainglorious and simple-minded.Tess’ shonesty, sincerity and dignity also lead to her tragedy .When she has no way to take care of her family, she does not choose to con-tact Angel but go back to Alec’s bosom because she thinks that Angel has decided to terminate their relationship.Since all abovementioned, people are social animal and always receive their surrounding impact on them whether actively or subjectively. Durin Tess’ s short and desperate life, the people she has recognized or contacted with are limited .hose main characters, Alec, An-gel, Tess’ s parents and herself directly lead to her tragical destiny.
4月20日 晴  “百善孝为先。”孝顺父母是中华民族的传统美德。我的妈妈是孝的楷模,她不仅教育我要行孝,自己也十分孝顺。  那是三年前的一个夜晚,外婆突然病了。外公给妈妈打了电话,妈妈疑惑地问:“爸,是不是家里出了什么事呀?”外公忙说:“没事没事,就是问问你好不好。”妈妈听出外公的语气不对,便问:“如果没事你为什么半夜打我电话?”外公只能如实交代:“你妈病了。”妈妈焦急地问:“严不严重啊?要不要我
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