目的 探讨感染在全喉切除术后咽瘘形成的重要性。方法 报道了 1991年~ 2 0 0 0年在我院行全喉切除术后发生咽瘘患者的细菌培养及药敏试验结果 ,并从感染学角度对咽瘘的原因进行了分析。结果 49份标本中有 48份有细菌生长 ,氟哌酸、环丙沙星、丁胺卡那对G-杆菌、肺炎双球菌、葡萄球菌有较高的敏感率。结论 严格控制感染是预防咽瘘形成的关键 ,预防感染用药应术前 0 .5~ 2h应用氟哌酸、丁胺卡那、环丙沙星等杀菌性、抗菌谱广的药物。
Objective To investigate the importance of infection in pharyngeal fistula after total laryngectomy. Methods The bacterial culture and drug susceptibility test results of patients with pharyngoesophageal fistula after total laryngectomy in our hospital from 1991 to 2000 were reported. The causes of pharyngoesophageal fistula were analyzed from the perspective of infection. Results 48 of the 49 samples had bacterial growth. Norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin and amikacin had higher sensitivity to G-bacteria, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Staphylococcus. Conclusion Strict control of infection is the key to prevent the formation of pharyngeal fistula. Prevent infection medication should be preoperative 0. 5 ~ 2h norfloxacin, amikacin, ciprofloxacin and other bactericidal, antibacterial spectrum of drugs.