本文报道1例45岁男性患者,7年前已被诊断为HIV感染,近期诉述有疼痛性皮疹。病初起小腿出现暗红色丘疹,呈进行性扩延,并伴有广泛色素沉着。病程中有发热,盗汗,以及双侧膝、踝、腕关节疼痛,经埃他康唑(itraconazole)治疗后,关节肿胀和皮损扩散仍继续发展。除部分皮损与病初起时的皮疹类似外,余者则呈水疱-脓疱疹,随后形成浅表痂皮。 临床检查结果:CD_4计数156(26%)/μL,全血细胞计数正常,生化、C_3、类风湿因子、X线胸片、VDRL、TPHA、乙型肝炎、
This article reports a 45-year-old male patient who had been diagnosed with HIV infection seven years ago and recently reported a painful rash. Early onset of the disease appeared dark red papules, showed progressive expansion, accompanied by extensive pigmentation. During the course of the disease, fever, night sweats, and bilateral knee, ankle and wrist pain, after treatment with itraconazole (joint swelling and skin lesions continue to spread. In addition to some lesions similar to the rash at the beginning of the disease, the rest were blisters - impetigo, followed by the formation of superficial crusts. Clinical examination results: CD_4 count 156 (26%) / μL, full blood count normal, biochemistry, C_3, rheumatoid factor, X-ray, VDRL, TPHA, hepatitis B,