江西是枳壳的著名产区之一,主要为芸香种植物酸橙Citrus aurantium L.,全省普遍有分布,但主要栽培在新干、清江、新余等县沿袁河和赣江两岸的冲积平原上, 历史悠久,林海浩瀚,早就享有枳壳故乡之誉。酸橙为多年生常绿小乔木,栽培上要求较高的技术措施,而且易受多种病虫为害,所以,在新引种地区,常因不了解它的生物学特性及其对环境条件的要求,栽培管理不善,树势生长不良,成了“小老树”,结果年龄缩短,产量甚低。为了努力改变这种状况,进一步发展枳壳生产,本文特将它的生物学特性、对环境条件的要求,以及整枝修
Jiangxi is one of the famous producing areas of Citrus aurantium. It is mainly composed of Rutaceae species Citrus aurantium L. It is widely distributed throughout the province but mainly cultivated in the alluvial plain along the Yuanhe and Ganjiang Rivers in Xinjian, Qingjiang and Xinyu counties On the long history, Linhai vast, has long enjoyed the reputation of Citrus aurantium hometown. Lime is a perennial evergreen small tree, requiring high technical training in cultivation and is susceptible to many pests. Therefore, in newly introduced areas, it often fails to understand its biological characteristics and its requirements on environmental conditions , Poor cultivation and management, poor growth of trees, became a “small tree”, the result of shortening the age, yield is very low. In an effort to change this situation and to further develop Citrus aurantium, this article will be its biological characteristics, the requirements of environmental conditions, and pruning