“现代意识”是具体的、历史的 ,是阶级意识和人类共同意识的对立统一 ,是先进意识、革命意识。马克思主义是最高层次的“现代意识”。本文通过对人类思想发展历史的简要回顾 ,特别是通过对马克思主义与人文主义、启蒙主义、非理性主义等的比较 ,紧密联系经济社会发展的历史背景 ,运用马克思主义的立场、观点和方法 ,初步阐述和回答了什么是真正的“现代意识”。
“Modern consciousness” is concrete and historical. It is the unity of opposites between class consciousness and common sense of mankind, and advanced consciousness and revolutionary consciousness. Marxism is the highest level of “modern consciousness.” Through a brief review of the history of the development of human thought, especially through the comparison of Marxism and humanism, enlightenment and non-rationalism, the paper closely links with the historical background of economic and social development, applies Marxist standpoint, viewpoint and method, First described and answered what is the real “modern consciousness.”