建立定量快速检测雌二醇(E2)的上转换免疫层析技术。以上转换发光材料(UCP)为新型标记物,采用戊二醛法偶联单克隆抗体(m Ab),制备UPT-m Ab复合物,并以其作为探针,基于小分子竞争结合,建立免疫层析试纸条方法,并对试纸条性能进行评价。方法特异性强,稳定性好,灵敏度高,最低检出限低至2.75 ng/m L,线性范围为5 ng/m L~2 000 ng/m L,回收率88.88%~103.5%,变异系数CV<10%。成功构建了上转换免疫层析法用于检测雌二醇,适用于现场快速检测,具有良好的经济价值和应用前景。
To establish a quantitative and rapid detection of estradiol (E2) by up-conversion immunochromatography. The above-mentioned UCP was used as a new marker, and the monoclonal antibody (m Ab) was coupled by glutaraldehyde to prepare UPT-m Ab complex, which was used as a probe to establish immunization based on competitive binding of small molecules Chromatography strip method, and the test strip performance evaluation. The method has good specificity, good stability and high sensitivity. The detection limit is as low as 2.75 ng / m L and the linear range is 5 ng / m L ~ 2 000 ng / m L. The recoveries range from 88.88% to 103.5% CV <10%. Successfully constructed up-conversion immunochromatography for the detection of estradiol, suitable for rapid detection on the spot, with good economic value and application prospects.