Nitrogen isotopic geochemical characteristics of crude oils in several basins of China

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shingohit
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Nitrogen isotopic ratios of crude oils with different physical and chemical properties in several basins of China have been measured and their geochemistry has been studied ele-mentally combined with molecular organic geochemistry methods. The data indicate that δ 15N is in the range of ?6‰-20‰. They vary with the oils in different sedimentary types of basins. The oils forming in the limnic environment have lower δ 15N with the value of about 1‰-5‰ whereas the oils in saline or semi-saline environment have higher δ 15N, with most samples being above 10‰ and some exceeding 17‰. The average nitrogen isotopic ratio of oils from the Ordovician formation in the Tarim Basin is the lowest, with most samples having δ 15N below zero, which reflects possibly the characteristic of the oils originating mainly from the organic matter formed in marine carbonate sedimentary environment. The δ 15N distribution can be altered by fractionation. It increases obviously because of biodegradation and decreases during hydrocarbon migration. However, the effect of nitrogen isotopic fractionation in the short distance migration is uncon-spicuous. Nitrogen isotopic ratios of crude oils with different physical and chemical properties in several basins of China have been measured and their geochemistry has been studied ele-mentally combined with molecular organic geochemistry methods. The data indicate that δ 15N is in the range of? 6 ‰ They vary with the oils in different sedimentary types of basins. The oils forming in the limnic environment have lower δ 15N with the value of about 1 ‰ -5 ‰ of the oils in saline or semi-saline environment have higher δ 15N, with most samples being above 10 ‰ and some exceeding 17 ‰. The average nitrogen isotopic ratio of oils from the Ordovician formation in the Tarim Basin is the lowest, with most samples having δ 15N below zero, which results possibly the characteristic of the oils originating mainly from the organic matter formed in marine carbonate sedimentary environment. The δ 15N distribution can be altered by fractionation. It increases obviously because of biodegra However, the effect of nitrogen isotopic fractionation in the short distance migration is uncon-spicuous.
【摘要】学习兴趣不仅能使学生积极、主动地从事学习,而且还能够调动和开发学生潜能。但是让人无比忧虑的是,当代中高职学生中有很多人却表现出对所学专业兴趣不高,终日沉迷于网络或成为“手机控”族,对于学习的兴趣越来越低,似乎我们的学子们迈入校园,就突然迷失了方向,进而失去了进取心。为此,本文就“以学生为主体、创新课堂教学模式,以提高课堂教学有效性”的教学改革,来提高课堂教学效果,提高教育教学质量。  【关
虽然俄罗斯当前的经济发展困难重重,市场环境恶劣异常,但是由于假冒伪造的盛行反而刺激了防伪全息企业的发展。据国际全息制造商协会(IHMA,即International Hologram Manufa
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引言  高校英语写作教学要从传统的“讲解、改错、练习”的窠臼中解放出来,把重点放到培养学生的写作兴趣和习惯上才能真正提高学生的写作能力,从而满足社会发展对学生英语水平的新的要求,这正是对学生主体地位的进一步认识。社会的发展对高校毕业生的英语水平提出了更高的要求。人才市场对人才的要求也因此不断提高,能否运用流利的外语与外界交往成为考查工作能力的必要指标。当前,高校英语作文考试和练习题型单一、模式化、
【摘要】本文通过对模具设计课程目标、课程内容、教学方法和课程实施等方面进行了系统的阐述,分析了模具设计课程采用项目教学法开展课程教学的具体实施过程,通过该方法的开展能够有效的提高学生学习兴趣和教学效率。  【关键词】注塑模具设计 项目教学法 课程实施 教学方法  【中图分类号】G71【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)05-0230-01  《注塑模具设计》课程是高职类院校
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