中央电视台的“实话实说”节目《对不起老师》播过半年多了,但它依然不能让我忘却。满头银发的申世恩老师的宽恕与宽厚的音容,学生史国良沉痛忏悔的泪脸,我和现场的嘉宾们再也抑制不住泪水了。是这泪水,催促我拿起笔来,写下那震憾心灵的感觉。 情节很简单,年轻画家史国良
CCTV “tell the truth” program “sorry teacher” sow more than six months, but it still can not let me forget. Shen Siyen full of silver hair teacher forgiveness and generous tone, student Shi Guoliang pitiful penitent tears face, and my guests and the scene could no longer suppress the tears. Is this tears, urging me to pick up the pen, write down the feeling of that soul. The plot is very simple, young painter Shi Guoliang