A new approach of drawing airport noise contours on computer based on Surfer

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a364444252
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Noise contours are used to describe the extent of airport noise pollution and to plan land use around airports. The LwEcPN (weighted equivalent continuous perceive noise level) recommended by ICAO(Intational Civil Aviation Organization ) is adopted as airport noise rating parameter in this paper. With the help of various mathematical models in the software Surfer, noise contours can be drawn automatically by the completed program in Visual C++ Code. Corrections for thrust, velocity, atmospheric temperature, humidity and lateral ground attenuation are also considered in the new method, which can improve the efficiency of drawing contours. An example of its use for drawing noise contours of an airport in Zhejiang Province of China is proposed and the predictions and the measurements show agreements well.
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