随着科学技术的推广与普及 ,我国大多数蔬菜均实现了保护设施的栽培生产 ,从而逐步达到了周年供应的要求。鲜嫩的莲藕以其质脆、爽口和无农药残留而倍受人们的欢迎。为填补国内外在此方面研究的空白 ,弥补夏季鲜藕供应的空缺 ,笔者历时3年多先后试验总结出日光温室及早春小拱
With the popularization and popularization of science and technology, most vegetables in our country have realized the cultivation and production of protection facilities, thus gradually meeting the annual supply requirements. Fresh lotus root with its crisp, refreshing and non-pesticide residues and much people welcome. In order to fill the gap in this area at home and abroad to make up for the vacancy in summer fresh lotus root supply, the author lasted for more than three years has summed up the greenhouse and early spring small arches