解放前夕拍摄的优秀影片《万家灯火》的编剧、导演和主要演员——阳翰笙、沈浮、蓝马、上官云珠和吴茵等同志,都是我国影坛上久负盛名的艺术家。对这部影片毋庸置疑,可以从许多方面评价它的成就。但我却想从另外一个角度-影片中的小疵点谈谈它,或许也可以得到相同的结论吧。这是一段有趣的往事: 按照常规,拍一部电影总要在导演完成整体构思, 演员
The famous screenwriter, director and major performers of “Wanjia Denghuo”, an excellent film on the eve of the liberation, such as Yang Hwasheng, Shen Float, Blue Horse, Shangguan Yunzhu and Wu Yin, are all prestigious artists in China’s film industry. There is no doubt about this film, its achievements can be evaluated in many ways. But I would like to talk about it from another perspective, a small flaw in the film, and perhaps I can get the same conclusion. This is a funny past: in accordance with the conventional, making a movie always in the director to complete the overall idea, the actor