Nearly 1 in 5 U. S. Counties Have Unhealthy Air

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[选译者言]臭氧(ozone),化学名O3,具有特殊鱼腥味的蓝色气体,具强氧化性,在一定浓度下即可转化成氧气,没有任何残留,不会形成二次污染,被誉为最清洁的氧化剂和消毒剂。位于地球大气层的臭氧层,可吸收各种有害的宇宙射线,保护人类不受伤害。 自然界中的活氧含量约为0.04PPM,可防止病菌的异常增长,保护生态的自然平衡。臭氧对空气中大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌等的杀灭率达99%以上,臭氧的灭菌速度要比氯快300到600倍,比紫外线快3000倍。 但是,凡事有利即有弊,据医学专家介绍,如果臭氧在空气中的含量超标,会对人体健康有极大影响。科学研究表明,人体暴露在高浓度臭氧环境中,会出现皮肤刺痒、眼睛刺痛、呼吸不畅、咳嗽和头痛等症状。如果暴露时间较长,就会导致短暂性肺功能异常,引起肺部组织受伤。有过敏体质的人,如果长时间暴露在臭氧含量超过每立方米0.18毫克的环境里,可能会导致慢性肺病,甚至产生肺纤维化等永久伤害。本文介绍了美国在对臭氧含量立法工作上的最新进展。 [Selected by the translator] Ozone (ozone), chemical name O3, blue gas with a special smell of fish, strong oxidizing, can be converted into oxygen at a certain concentration, no residue, no secondary pollution , Known as the cleanest oxidant and disinfectant. The ozone layer, which is located in the earth’s atmosphere, can absorb a variety of harmful cosmic rays and protect humans from harm. The oxygen content in nature is about 0.04PPM, which can prevent the abnormal growth of germs and protect the natural balance of the ecosystem. Ozone kills more than 99% of airborne E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, etc. The ozone sterilization rate is 300 to 600 times faster than chlorine and 3,000 times faster than ultraviolet light. However, everything has advantages and disadvantages, according to medical experts, if the ozone content in the air exceeds the standard, it will have a great impact on human health. Scientific research shows that when the human body is exposed to a high concentration of ozone, symptoms such as itching of the skin, stinging of the eyes, poor breathing, cough, and headache can occur. If the exposure time is long, it will lead to temporary abnormal lung function, causing lung tissue injury. People with allergies may experience chronic lung disease and even permanent damage such as fibrosis if they are exposed to ozone for more than 0.18 mg/m3. This article describes the latest developments in the United States’ work on ozone content legislation.
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