
来源 :今日辽宁 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:marsmoonhoo
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From his childhood, Wang Dengke began to studypainting crazily. Though he studied literary history whenhe grew up, he still liked to paint.Wang was good at the painting of persons and hefollowed suit of Chen Hongshou, Ren Bonian, QianHuiAn, Wang Yiting and Qi Baishi. He mainly liked topaint common people, especially children and theamorous feelings to north. His artistic afflatus mostlycame from retrospection of his childhood.Under his brush, the topics he painted were thedusk of snowing, playmates, happiness, absence, etc.For instance, “the Half Moon Climbing Up” expressedwhat he was sentimentally attached to his childhood.“The Wind in the Fields” described some youngsters inthe rural area. “The Season with More Dreams” recalledwith emotion and retrospection to the childhood.The painting of Wang’s liked a beautiful landscapeand gave us a nice longing for the beautiful world. Though his studied literary history whenhe grew up, he still liked to paint. Wang was good at the painting of persons and hefollowed suit of Chen Hongshou, Ren Bonian, QianHuiAn, Wang Yiting and Qi His original favorite topaint common people, especially children and the amorous feelings to north. His artistic afflatus mostlycame from retrospection of his childhood. Under his brush, the topics he painted weredusk of snowing, playmates, happiness, absence, etc.For instance “The Wind in the Fields ” describes some youngsters inthe rural area. “The Season with More Dreams ” recalledwith emotion and retrospection to the childhood. the painting of Wang’s liked a beautiful landscapeand gave us a nice longing for the beautiful world.
网页:www.jrglyj.com投稿邮箱:[email protected]《金融管理研究》(Finance and Management Research,FMR)为中文学术丛书,是经济、金融和管理理论研究与实践创新领域的专业
农村土地经营权流转是农村经济发展到一定程度后的必然产物,是当前农村土地制度改革中的一项重要内容,发展规模经营已成为当前农村经济发展和现代农业发展的客观要求。近期我们组织专班,就如何抓住机遇引导农村土地承包经营权合理有序流转,促进农业规模化经营等问题,对全区土地经营权流转的现状、取得成效、存在问题等情况进行了专题调研,具体情况如下:  一、基本情况  掇刀区现辖两镇四街道办事处,80个行政村(场),
【摘要】本文通过对一道高考题的研究,发现其性质及其应用。  【关鍵词】数学;高考题;应用